Eindhoven, NL
BPD Ontwikkeling
10200 m2
Project Team, Photos & Collaborators
Eline Blom, Dennis Bruijn, Timo Cardol, Javier Cuartero, Raluca Firicel, Michael Geensen, Kees Kaan, Jan Teunis ten Kate, Filipa van der Laan, Yinghao Lin, Arnaud Naome, Vincent Panhuysen, Agata Proniak, Dikkie Scipio, Christian Sluijmer, Yang Zhang

Delva Landscape Architects, Studioninedots, JMJ Bouwmanagement, Groosman Architecten, Huybregts Relou Son, Adviesbureau Tielemans, Kompas 360

De Caai is located on the former site of the Campina dairy factory in Eindhoven, established in the 1960s as a milk cooperative within the city ring road. This area, an example of industrial reconstruction architecture, is being redeveloped into a modern city district focusing on innovative design for nutrition and well-being, reflecting its historical function.
The current urban plan by Studioninedots and DELVA envisions a recognizable, accessible, and green live-work area. It includes approximately 700 homes in three lower residential blocks and five towers, plus 20,000 m² of commercial real estate within the historically valuable factory buildings. The plan emphasizes cohesion and nuanced building design, maintaining the area’s cooperative spirit. KAAN Architecten is responsible as the architect for FRESH (Tower 3), which holds a central position within the urban plan. It directly connects to the existing heritage due to its position between the Milk Factory and the Ice Factory. The new structure is carefully integrated into the site, with a plinth sculpted to adapt to its surroundings. The tower comprises 123 homes, offering beautiful views of the city. The façade’s grid system, milky color palette, and material textures draw directly from the surrounding heritage, providing the new structure with a meaningful place in the new city development.