10 2016
October 2016
20/10 2016

“The Learn’d” at the Istanbul Design Biennial 2016

Are we human?. The 2016 edition of the Istanbul Design Biennial, curated by Beatriz Colomina and Mark Wigley, features a selection of research projects focused on the relation between design and people.

The Learn’d, the short film about the Education Center Erasmus MC has been chosen by Marco Brizzi and Davide Rapp, curators of The Architecture Player, to take part to Fictional Humanism, an original video project.

Fictional Humanism looks at architecture from a different point of view. In videos, architectural projects change, both in their identity and in their ontology, together with the human presences featured in it.

“Are we human?” – 3rd Istanbul Design Biennial; 22 October – 20 November 2016

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11/10 2016

Supreme Court awarded with Living Daylight Award 2016

The Daylight Award is a Dutch biennial prize for buildings that have a pronounced daylight quality. This year the Supreme Court of the Netherlands has been awarded thanks to its rich array of daylight aspects and to the smart strategies for artificial lighting.

The jury composed by Alexander Rosemann (TU Eindhoven), Jeroen van Schooten (Team V Architectuur),  Paul van Bergen (DGMR), Peter Lindeman (Rodeca Systems), Kees van der Hoeven (ArchitectenWerk), Sander Mirck (Mirck Architecture) made a choice based on specific criterias like experience, function, vision and building physics.

07/10 2016

Netherlands Embassy featured at BIA-AR 2016

The Bienal Internacional de Arquitectura – Argentina 2016 will take place in Cordoba (Argentina) from October 11th to 14th. The event will host 5 international speakers and it will feature 36 international works including the Netherlands Embassy in Mozambique.

“Processes” focuses on types of architecture that address the concept of processes, either because they affect their surroundings in some vital way, or because of the singularity of the design and construction process itself.
