Dikkie Scipio jury member of De Meester 2017
The third edition’s winner of “De Meester”, the architecture promotion prize, will be announced on Wednesday November 1st, 2017 at Het Nieuwe Instituut in Rotterdam.
The Fleur Groenendijk Foundation in collaboration with the Rotterdamse Academie van Bouwkunst and with Dikkie Scipio as founder created “De Meester”. The prize aims to promote the work of young Dutch architects and urban planners.
Dikkie Scipio is part of the jury evaluating the works in a live and dynamic discussion, together with Marina van den Bergen (Archined), Robert-Jan de Kort (De Kort Van Schaik), Mendel Robbers (Schipper Bosch), Rens Schulze (Geurst & Schulze architecten).
De Avond van de Meester 2017 at Het Nieuwe Instituut, Rotterdam
Wednesday November 1, 2017 – h 18.30 / 20.00