The Courthouse – Architecture for the Public Good
We are excited to announce the release of our latest publication, “The Courthouse – Architecture for the Public Good.” Published by nai010 publishers, this book is the first and most comprehensive guide to the largest courthouse in the Netherlands.

Largely written and compiled by the building’s design team, this book offers a guided tour through original essays and articles, taking readers behind the scenes to explore the Courthouse as the ultimate gesamtkunstwerk – both a project and a process. Get your copy here.
The book includes in-depth analyses, rich illustrations, construction photographs, and technical drawings to visually document the building’s design.
In addition, the book features dialogues with client representatives, Courthouse spokespersons, and Amsterdam’s urban planners, untangling and explaining the demands of a public building, architectural conceptualisation, and public-private partnerships.
Overall, “The Courthouse – Architecture for the Public Good” calls for more open, collaborative designs built to last in the communities they serve.
The book is available for purchase online and in specialised bookstores.
Book photographs by Magdalena Wierzbicka.
Concept: Marco Lanna, Vincent Panhuysen
Texts: Ruud Brouwers, Marten Dashorst, Hans den Hartog Jager, Kees Kaan, Marco Lanna, Vincent Panhuysen
Interviews: Louise Attema, Fokke Van Dijk, Hans Janssen, Ton Schaap, Erik Tuijp
Publisher: Marcel Witvoet, nai010 publishers, Rotterdam
Design: Alice Colombo, Isabela Fiorante
Cover photo: Sebastian van Damme
Photography: Fernando Guerra, Tom Philip Janssen, Dominique Panhuysen, Sebastian van Damme
Copy editing: Dianna Beaufort, D’Laine Camp
Prooofreading: D’Laine Camp
Translations: Dianna Beaufort
Printing and lithography: robstolk®, Amsterdam
Binding: Boekbinderij Patist, Zaltbommel
Paper: Circle print 95CIE, 115 gsm (interior), Rebello 110, 350 gsm (cover material)
1st edition, 2023
128 pages
22 x 29 cm
ISBN 978-94-6208-705-7