01/06 2015
First stone ceremony for ISMO
On Wednesday June 3rd, 2015 will be held the first stone laying ceremony of the Institut des Sciences Moléculaire d'Orsay in Paris.

The building is part of the new development of Paris-Saclay campus in Orsay, Paris; and under construction since July 2014.
The event will take place from 2.00pm at the Campus de la Faculté des Sciences d’Orsay, Bât. 520 in rue André Rivière at the presence of Mr. Bourguignon – director of the Institut des Sciences Moléculaire d’Orsay, Mr. Bittuon – president of Université Paris-Sud, Mr. Ros – Orsay mayor, Mr. Veltz – president/general director of Établissement Paris-Saclay, Mrs. Castelnot – Palaiseau deputy prefect.
After the ceremony, from 2.30pm the building will be presented at the Amphitheatre Blandin du LPS with an short discourse by Kees Kaan.