26/11 2014
Institut des Sciences Moléculaires d’Orsay exhibited in Paris for “Paris-Saclay. Le Futur en Chantier(s)”
The project Institut des Sciences Moléculaires d’Orsay will be part of the exhibition “Paris-Saclay. Le Futur en Chantier(s)” from November 28th to December 20th 2014 at the Maison de l’architecture en Ile-de-France in Paris.

The Paris-Saclay exhibition will present the progress of the project in all its scientific, economic and urban sides, and where the operational phase of urban campus is engaged.
Models, projections, panels and timeline will be organized next to round table discussions, conferences and a PechaKucha of about thirty architects, in which ISMO will be introduced by KAAN Architecten on the 29th of November from 14h30 until 20h.
An exhibition under the high patronage of Madame Geneviève Fioraso, Secretary of State for Higher Education and Research, in partnership with the University Paris-Saclay, the Maison de l’Architecture en Ile-de-France and the Order of Architects of Ile-de-France.
“Paris-Saclay. Le Futur en Chantier(s)”
Maison de l’architecture en Ile-de-France, Paris
Exhibition: November 28th to December 20th, 2014
Round tables and conferences: 28, 29 and 30th of November 2014