04/11 2020
Construction advances at Paleis Het Loo
Photographer Dominique Panhuysen brings another photo report from the construction site of Paleis Het Loo. Scroll down for more!

Bassecourt of the palace is progressively getting covered by concrete and steelwork which will hold up the fountain and the glass roof above the grand foyer.
The circular outline of the fountain has already been set up. The mirror-like pond, lined with natural stone, will rise amid a parvis covered in brickwork.
Next to the fountain, the freight elevator has been completed which will enable the transport of artwork and other large objects to the underground exhibition rooms.
Exhibition rooms connect back to the grand foyer which leads further to the palace wings through underground connections.
Keep an eye on our website or follow the official Paleis Het Loo video channel for more updates on the construction progress.
Photographs by Dominique Panhuysen.