04/02 2022
Galeries Modernes shapes up!
Recently named as one of the 20 most anticipated buildings of 2022 by the Domus magazine, the renovation of Galeries Modernes is steadily advancing. Scroll down for a photo report from the construction site in the heart of Rotterdam!

Strong volumes with deep setbacks in a horizontal composition and sharp canopies are original qualities reinterpreted and translated into a contemporary building.
The façade design is equivalent on all sides of the building with a transparent plinth of big glass panels resembling the rhythm of the original façade.
Above the plinth, a glass box and natural stone volumes follow in a horizontal alignment. Few carefully chosen materials manifest in a natural yet elegant ensemble.
Inside the building, a patio will bring light into the hotel. On top of the 5th floor, a terrace and a pavilion will be surrounded by a green roof looking out over the city centre of Rotterdam.
Explore the full project here.
Photographs by Sebastian van Damme.